At dt-squad, we are committed to helping people solve hard problems with code. All of our employees are Armed Forces Veterans, who have learned to code through their career or as part of their resettlement.
We believe in our value of ‘Win – Win’ and providing services that everyone benefits from; so we have decided to run a training program to teach basic coding skills.

What we provide
- An introductory meeting with a member of the team to help you understand your goals and how we can help you.
- A series of 4 individual training modules that cover the basics of coding and web development. You will be introduced to the languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python.
- 5 x 1 hour face-to-face lessons with a member of the DT – Squad team.
- A variety of training resources, from slide decks to videos.
- A portfolio project to work on and practise with.
We are NOT a Bootcamp; we do not offer promises of employment or advice on sweeping career changes and dreams of a tech-job utopia. We focus on helping people who are interested in coding take their first steps on their journey.

The Modules

Intro to Web Development
£220 inc VAT

Intro to Python
£220 inc VAT

Intro to Machine Learning
£220 inc VAT

Intro to Natural Language Processing
£220 inc VAT
Each comes with:
- 5 x 1 hour one-on-one lessons
- Comprehensive training resources
- Portfolio project to work on and practice with
If you are a member of the Armed Forces or a Veteran and are interested in learning to code, get in touch with us now at to start your coding journey!